dimanche 25 janvier 2009

Angleterre, pays du capitalisme sauvage!

Voici ce que mon ami, le poète anglais David Hudson, m'écrit à propos du capitalisme sauvage qui est en train de ruiner le monde et que tout homme qui veut être libre doit combattre corps et âme!

My dear Athanase,

I hope you enjoyed your visit to Bulgaria & Turkey...always a pleasure to visit another culture and indulged oneself in all aspects of that country. I do enjoy travelling...immersing myself in another’s culture is always a good life experience.

I wish to thank you for posting my letter on the internet...I need as much help as I can get a moment. I have refused to sign the contract as it stands. I have no intention of working on our bank holidays or religious festivals! I did edited the contract (being writers we edited documents all the time) and signed an edited contract to try offset the treat of being summary dismissed. I have a meeting on the 31st January 2009 in which the company (Comet owned by the French company Kesa) will give me 90 days notice of termination of my contract.

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha ( also known as just Buddha) born in 563 B.C. is quoted in one of his many sermons. ‘ Do not believe in the words of others, merely because they command a higher authority, but form your own conclusions and evaluations in life’ I find these words very uplifting because they are as relevant today as they were in Buddha’s time. They seem to fit in nicely into the category I’m dealing with at the moment.

Sometimes in life some things... are worth fighting for, even though the odds are stacked against you. Our freedoms and liberties
have been fought for by our ancestors. I’m a great believer in rights & liberties. I wish our country had a ‘Bill of Rights’ like the American constitution. I have a great admiration for the French people who fought for their liberties and became a republic. Bank holidays are a given from our society...every country has festivals during the year. I will do anything to get out of working on Bank holidays...Comets proposals are fundamentally wrong on every level. I hate this proposal with a pure passion!

In my country we have the longest working hours in Europe and they keep demanding more! My country is a disgrace compared to the rest of Europe. We have done so much harm to other people in the world... fighting illegal wars in both Iraq & Afghanistan. I opposed both these wars right from the beginning. I’m ashamed to call myself a Englishman.
We do not have a ‘Bill of Rights’ in my country and technically we are not citizens...but still subjects to the crown! Maybe we need a French style revolution and overall the present system...

I would be very grateful if you could post this letter on the internet again my friend...just to show that not all Englishman are war mongering dogs! Some of us do adhere to both internal & international laws...respecting human rights for all people.

Eternally yours of the written word

Best wishes.


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