mardi 13 octobre 2009

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (en anglais)

Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

Yes, Countess,
‘We have to spend our lives learning
so that we can finally learn how to die.’

Your park is so beautiful
and so is the cloud of blue tits
at play, mad with joy, the
joy of the blue sky!

Little scraps of poetry, subtle phrases
fill the air! The great mauve fan of evening
protects the chateau from the hot seduction of the time !

Countess, the world is beautiful,
and beautiful too these trees clothed in flowers,
beautiful the air, that generous accomplice
to the beauty of the world!

voluptuous simplicity
of the Moravian sky!
Green fragrance of the pines!

Yes, Countess,
we must practise the art of loving
in order to achieve
this final eloquence!

Translated from the French of Athananse Vantchev de Thracy by Norton Hodges

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